Discover how a lawn topsoil bulk bag from Topsoil Shop gives grass a boost from beneath
A great combination: Turf and topsoil together produce the ultimate luxurious lawn
Harness the health-boosting properties that screened topsoil can bring to your lawn, and give your grass a helping hand. We stock some of the best blends of topsoil to improve drainage, increase soil fertility, manage pH and assist with the development of plants at all stages of growth. If your turf health is a concern, lawn topsoil from The Topsoil Shop can revitalise your lawn and create a more healthful, durable and hardy lawn. Topsoil is an amazing product that’s produced according to carefully-researched, tried and tested formulae for maximum effectiveness.
How can a screened topsoil bulk bag help restore the greenness of your lawn? By sprinkling a light layer of our screened topsoil onto areas of struggling growth you can increase fertility and help your lawn recover from, or prepare for, bad weather. With careful timing you can help build up resistance in your grass to poor weather conditions, as well as restoring underperforming patches when coming out of the colder months.
Helping recover your lawn: topsoil & soil improvers can be the difference between good and great lawns
Turf is an amazing substance- a deceptively complex system of microorganisms, developing and growing. Turf can come under stress under difficult weather conditions or when covered, for example by standing water, snow or fallen leaves. This can lead to many garden owners’ worst nightmare: a patchy, uneven and off-colour lawn. Unfortunately many don’t explore the potential of turf and topsoil to boost growth and help their lawns recover. If your lawn is suffering from poor drainage, fertility or growth, careful scarification followed by sprinkling a very fine, light layer of screened topsoil over your grass is a tried and tested way of improving water drainage and preventing lasting harm. Equally effective for helping new seeds take root in patchy areas of your lawn, the fertility and water management properties of topsoil can help improve both the thickness and overall health of your grass. What’s more, you only need a small amount to make a huge difference- making this a great job to add to your list when you’ve a topsoil bulk bag coming to develop your allotment or borders.
Check out our range of composts, turf & topsoil supplies, or contact our team, to learn more about the ways you can give your garden a boost with soil improvers.